6 Exercises to Move Your Body for 30 Minutes

    Let's face it. Exercising isn't all that fun. It can be exciting at first. Then sooner than later the excitement wears off. you feel tired, miserable, wanting to give up. But, all you need is to move your body for at least 30 minutes each day. So, my friend, I have come up with 10 ways you can get some exercise, burn some calories, and move your body for at least 30 minutes. The best part is you DO NOT need equipment.

    My number one, all time favorite way to get some exercise and feel great doing it is to DANCE IT OUT. Turn up your favorite toons, grab the kids and start shacking your rear. There is no better way to burn some calorie, boost your mood, and have some fun doing it. Best part of all, there is no proper or improper way to dance. So turn that frown upside down and shake what your momma gave you!
 If you would like to follow some dance/cardio instructions, or get some dance move ideas, I would recommend watching "Dance fitness with Jessica" on YouTube. 
Her videos are completely free and she has a wide range of music to choose from. 
Here is a link to one of the videos by Dance Fitness with Jessica https://youtu.be/cu_tff5lRCQ

Yoga is a great way to still get your movement in for the day, and in a much more relaxing form. Before you think your not flexible enough or think you don't  have the patience for yoga you should give it a try. Who knows you might surprise yourself! And, the more you yoga the more your muscles will appreciate you. Thirty minutes of yoga might be a lot in one setting, so try to incorporate 2, ten minute exercises, and finish your 30 minutes of movement with 10 minutes of yoga.
Even just a simple 10 minute yoga for beginners will have you feeling light and loose. 
Here is a link to a cool down 10 minute yoga for beginners on Youtube.
    Yes, that's right, when you vacuum, sweep, and/or mop your home you are moving! Give yourself some credit my friend! No need for gym equipment when you can push a vacuum around. An idea for the next time you use the mop is to really imagine your core as you scrub the floor. Feeling the burn yet?

Window Washing
Now that your floors are clean why not check washing windows off your to do list as well. From ceiling to floor. Reaching tip-toes to squatting low. Washing the windows is another great way to make your body move.

    Enough with the cleaning. Let's turn up the heat. HIIT or High Intensity Interval Training is an exercise that allows you to kick up the intensity of your cardio workout. It alternates short sprints of high intensity exercise move with shorter intervals of lower intensity exercise move. This is so that you are constantly moving for the entire time. One of my favorite people to follow on youtube for HIIT workouts is Sydney Cummings. Here is a link to her Youtube channel. https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCVQJZE_on7It_pEv6tn-jdA
    Her videos are completely free, and she posts a new workout EVERY morning. The workouts are usually 30 minutes but she also has workout videos ranging from 30 minutes to 60 minutes. 
    There are other youtube HIIT workout videos you can find that are 10 or 15 minutes. The shorter videos are nice if your don't have much time to workout in a day then you can turn on 10 minutes of HIIT, work hard, and be off onto your busy schedule and still get a workout in. 

    I know this sounds basic and boring, but... walking is just as good for you as running! Say, what? You mean to tell me I don't have to run to be healthy or loose weight? The answer my friend is, no, you do not have to run to be healthy or loose weight. Bottom line is that running burns more calories than walking.
    There are several ways to get creative with your walking in order to burn more calories and still not have to run. 
    You can read more about different was to walk vs. running at https://www.healthline.com/health/walking-vs-running#weight-loss 
   In my opinion the greatest thing about walking is that it can be for anybody at ANY FITNESS LEVEL. You can also incorporate walking into your lifestyle very easily. Such as, make it a nightly routine to walk with your husband, boyfriend, girlfriend, children, or pet. Get creative and park your car a block away from work each day so you get some steps in before you start the day, when you go to lunch, and when you leave work at the end of the day. 
    There we have it. Six was you can be creative, and move your body for 30 minutes each day. No equipment needed. Grab a radio and dance it out, go for a walk or clean your home. Doesn't matter how you choose to move, just be glad you did, and give yourself some credit for being active.
Any movement is good movement!

Thanks for reading Mission Motive Self
Feel free to leave comments or email me
Would love to hear how you move your body each day. 


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