Nooming It At My Own Pace

    If you have already read my first article, "Get to Know Me", then you will know I am new at this whole motivation thing. I am working on it though. Taking it day by day and accomplishing one goal at a time. However, it is hard to stay motivated when you do not see the results. Well, my friend, I am right here with you. I have gotten so caught up in trying to balance parenting, and my job that I forget to take care of myself. And when I say take care of myself; I mean really be healthy and exercise on top of everything else we superhero women do. It.. is.. stressful. But, what I have come to find is that the reason I keep failing at every single diet I have ever tried is the fact that I do not give myself enough credit for the small accomplishments. Sooner then later I feel like I have failed. I quit the diet, blame the diet, blame stress, blame medications, blame myself for failing because the number on the scale wasn't moving. Well, I would like to introduce you to my new health motivator.. Noom.

Beginning Noom
    Noom is an app that has, " A personalized plan that uses psychology and small goals to lose weight for good". I installed the app on my phone after a coworker mentioned how successful she was, and how the diet did not make her cut some of the foods she loved out of her life. Honestly, my thinking was, "I can eat what I want! I don't have to cut carbs or sugars! Yes Please, sign me up!" I downloaded the app that day, created an account and paid $1 for my first 2 weeks. #NoomingIt! Being super excited about my new weight loss goals and finally becoming a healthier me while being able to eat what I want. I have now been on noom for a little over a month, and I have decided to share my progress because what's more motivating than sharing some of my success. 

One Month Later
    To begin with I would like to tell you that I have not lost any weight. But, I am learning to celebrate my non scale victories. After being on the program for one whole month and seeing the same number on the scale as it was the first of the month made me devastated. I wanted to write them a nasty email saying how I didn't lose weight. How they haven't helped me accomplish my health goals at all and so on. I was going to blame them. Unfortunately, instead, I started to blame myself. 
    I quit using the app for a couple of days. During those few days I had a coworker tell me how she runs 4 to 5 miles a day, and I just need to get out there each day and it'll be no problem. Needles to say I was already feeling down and then to top it off I can barely run 1 mile without stopping to catch my breath. That evening I came home from work I called my boyfriend to tell him that myself and our daughter, who is only 4, were going for a run and I wouldn't be home when he got there. He sounded surprised and said, " Why are you running all of a sudden?" I then informed him of my coworker, who is 10 years older than me, runs 4 to 5 miles per day, and I felt like was slacking. He then says," Why are you comparing yourself to someone who has been running longer than you, and is older than you?" 
    Yes, her age bothered me because I am younger I should be more fit, right? I should be able to keep up at least, right? No! The answer is No! Do not put yourself in someone else's shoes. Do not compare yourself to someone who is older, younger, taller, skinnier.. whatever the case may be.

    I thought long and hard about what my loving boyfriend had said and my last month of using the Noom app. I then realised that I had been subconsciously using what I had learned the past month with Noom. For instance, I wasn't skipping breakfast, I started to get my steps in during my morning coffee break, and I now enjoy my meals with no electronic distractions. These were all things Noom taught me in the first month of using the app. Little did I know I was accomplishing some very important and long lasting health goals. One small step at a time. 
    Once I came to the realization I was successful, I was able to message my personal Noom coach and she was able to assist me in making a small goal each week instead of focusing on trying to be good at everything all at once. Starting out, I know I might fall off the rail with my eating habits, but I can make it a goal for 1 week to track all my food regardless if I exceed my calorie budget or not. Next week I might work on have a vegetable with every meal. As for now, I am taking it one week at a time and one small reachable goal at a time. We will see where Noom takes me in the next couple months.

     As for you my friend, give yourself some credit today! Your goals and your victories are not the same as other people. Do Not put yourself on someone else's timeline! Do Not compare your goals and your victories to someone else! Whether you are on Noom like me or have other goals your trying to accomplish the most important thing to not surpass are the small victories. The so called non scale victories if your not talking about weight. You Can and You Will accomplish anything you are willing to set your mind to as long as you move at your own pace!

    Thanks for reading "Mission: Motivate Sarah" - Nooming It


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